
Welcome to our beautiful and beloved club. Please help us keep it that way by picking up after yourself and taking your trash home with you.

You carried it in, so you carry it out.

The good folks who volunteer their time to mow should not have to stop and pick up debris that could damage the mower or otherwise be thrown by the mower.


Tip for Android users: Don’t just tap on the menu bar. You might find that you need to slightly swipe down a little bit, then let go in order for the drop list to remain persistent. Then select the drop list item.


 Group pic 1 with NRA banner

Click here and find the “next match” and find scores from previous matches.

Out of state shooters.  Click link below to print out copy of NRA sanction form required by New York State law to show proof of attendance of organized shooting competition. (NY Penal Code 265.20(13) )

2024 Greene Rod and Gun Club IDPA Pistol match

IDPA pistol match – 2nd Saturday of the month

IDPA is the use of practical equipment including full charge service ammunition to solve simulated “real world” self-defense scenarios using practical handguns and holsters that are suitable for self-defense use. The main goal is to test the skill and ability of an individual.

For more information contact Jeff at 607-656-7350 or e-mail

General IDPA information can be found at

We very much appreciate shooters that pre-register and self-squad on

Click here and find the “next match”.

When selecting a squad, there is a green button the top as well as a green button at the bottom to complete the process.

We continue to allow shooters to register manually in-person the morning of the match, but we prefer pre-registration and self-squadding online.

Scroll down for scores and information that pre-dates Practiscore.

2018 Schedule

Date Scores
April 14  2018-04-14CSV    2018-04-14    2018-04-14stages
May 12  2018 May 12, Greene IDPA Classifier.xlsx2018 May 12, Greene IDPA Classifier.pdf
June 9  2018 June 9, Greene IDPA ,   PDF file2018 June 9, Greene IDPA , xlsx file
July 14 7-14-2018 Results, PDF , error uploading Ms Excel file
August 11  Greene IDPA August 11th 2018, PDF, Greene IDPA August 11th 2018 XLSX
September 8 2018 Sept 8th Greene IDPA
October 13  Oct 2018 IDPA scores

We typically hold the classifier in May, so stay tuned for updates. New shooters welcome for any monthly day match, including the classifier.

2017 Schedule

Date Scores
May 13   2017-05-13  2017-05-13stages   2017-05-13 CSV
June 10  2017-06-10 2017-06-10stages  2017-06-10 CSV
July 8   2017-07-08 2017-07-08stages  2017-07-08CSV
August 12 CANCELED DUE TO the threat of WET CONDITIONS
September 9  2017-09-09 2017-09-09stages 2017-09-09CSV
October 14   2017-10-14 2017-10-14stages 2017-10-14csv

We typically hold the classifier in May, so stay tuned for updates. New shooters welcome for any monthly day match, including the classifier.

2016 Schedule



March 12  Canceled due to weather
April 9  2016-04-09 2016-04-09stages 2016-04-09
May 14 2016-05-14  2016-05-14stages  2016-05-14 CSV
June 11  2016-06-11  2016-06-11stages  2016-06-11 CSV
July 9  No match  Canceled due to  Weather
August 13  2016-08-13  2016-08-13stages  2016-08-13 CSV
September 10  2016-09-10  2016-09-10stages  2016-09-10 CSV
October 8  2016-10-08  2016-10-08stages  2016-10-08 CSV
Bonus info. Statistics on reload time for 8-14-2016 stage 5. Subtract string 1 time (6 shots no mag changes) from string 2 time (6 shots with 2 mag changes). Then divide by two to get average time for one mag change. Round up to the nearest 1/4 second.

2016-08-13 distribution of time to change magazine

JPG image of distribution of tie to change magazine, Greene Rod and Gun IDPA 8-13-2016

2015 Schedule

Date Scores
 March 14  Cancelled Due to Weather
 April 11  Cancelled Due to Weather
 May 9
2015-05-09 2015-05-09stages 2015-05-09CSV
 June 13
2015-06-13 2015-06-13stages 2015-06-13CSV
 July 11
2015-07-11 2015-07-11stages 2015-07-11CSV
 August 8
2015-08-08 2015-08-08stages 2015-08-08CSV
 September 12
2015-09-12 2015-09-12stages 2015-09-12CSV
 October 10
2015-10-10 2015-10-10stages 2015-10-10CSV

Bonus info. Statistics on reload time for 9-12-2015 stage 2. Subtract string 1 time (6 shots no mag changes) from string 2 time (6 shots with 2 mag changes). Then divide by two to get average time for one mag change. Round up to the nearest 1/4 second.

9-12-2015 calculate reload time
9-12-2015 reload bargraph

2014 Info: