Click the very large font directly below to open copy of the latest bylaws
Click the very large font directly above to open copy of the latest bylaws
Scroll down for background information that led up to the latest bylaws above.
4 different changes were each voted and approved individually, then combined into one edit revision. Mostly we are correcting an oversight related to youth signing a waiver hold harmless agreement which will be immediately null and void as persons under 18 are not adults with respect to signing legal documents. Age 18 and above are considered adults in most if not all states and therefore able to sign for themselves. Consider this a follow-up to the 2023 new requirement to sign a waiver hold harmless agreement as recommended by our insurance agent who told us we would lose our affordable insurance if there is an injury or worse, and the insurance company discovered that we made no attempt to implement a waiver process.
Further, we are relaxing the restrictions on youth by not requiring a guest pass, as long as parent/legal guardian has signed waiver. We will no longer require the youth to be living at home as the parents might be divorced and living in different homes.
#1 2024, June proposed bylaws change 1, Adult membership minimum age 18
#2 2024, June proposed bylaws change 2, remove family membership
#3 2024, June proposed bylaws change 3, board member removed or replaced
Scroll down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
Scroll down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
Scroll down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
Keep scrolling down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
Scroll down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
Bylaws change August 2023:
Problem statement: Need to resolve discrepancy between IIIA and VIIIA
Change: Strike sub-section 3 from VIIIA as follows:
VIII A. The position of Vice President includes the responsibilities of membership. 1. Recording all memberships and collecting all annual dues. 2. Maintaining an active roll of current members to be posted at the clubhouse. 3. Politely notifying key holder members in writing when they have failed to pay their dues for the current year by January 31st and encouraging that their dues to be paid by March 1 st . 4. Turning over all dues collected to the Treasurer.
Scroll down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
Scroll down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
Scroll down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
Keep scrolling down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
Scroll down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
5/18/2023 board of directors approved the following:
The word shareholder has been replaced by the words key holder. 19 places.
Problem statement: Greene Rod and Gun Club is not a publicly traded corporation. We do not pay out quarterly or annual dividends to shareholders, nor do we buy and sell shares in the manner of a publicly traded corporation. Holding a key is the primary purpose and benefit of being a shareholder at Greene Rod and Gun Club.
Scroll down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
Scroll down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
Scroll down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
Keep scrolling down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
Scroll down for reference only to older revisions of bylaws.
3/16/2023 board of directors approved the following:
JP’s proposed bylaws change was read for second time at general member meeting earlier this evening. The proposal for Article IV Meetings as follows: Strike the words “Written notice shall be mailed to all members” and replace with the words “Members will be notified”. JP indicated Sept 2023 meeting will be the last time postcards are mailed out. The bylaws change will allow post cards to be replaced with electronic communication, such as e-mail, facebook, web site etc. Motion by Mike to approve bylaws change. Second by Bradd. Approved.
8-18-2022 approved words:
III-C Annual membership runs from January 1 to December 31, of each year. Renewal for upcoming year will not be accepted before December 1st. The gate combination will be changed on January 1st each year.
The below information and links are provided here for reference only.
Election of Directors
Candidate shall not be prohibited from possessing firearms. (ie, must not be a felon and must not have an order of protection filed against them). Two or more months before the election, candidate shall share in writing their intent to run for a board position. Candidate may share accomplishments and contributions to the club, the skills they have to offer the club and their future plans for how they will help with the weekly and monthly operations of the club. Candidate must be a member in good standing of Greene Rod and Gun Club. At the annual meeting for elections, there will be no nominations from the floor. At the annual meeting, the general membership shall elect directors to fill any available positions. One director shall be elected for each term about to expire for the next three year term, or to complete the remaining term of a vacancy. Each member may submit a ballot. Each ballot will have one line for each available position. Member will fill in one unique candidate name per line. Candidates with the most votes are elected. If candidates are running unopposed, Secretary shall cast one vote to elect each candidate.
Land Use Policy
One must be a Club Member to utilize said property. Exemptions include paid Club events such as trap or skeet shoots, dog trials, IDPA pistol match etc. A Club Member and his/her family can fish the pond. A Club Member may purchase a yearly guest pass. Limit 1 guest pass per member. Limit 3 visits per guest per year. Member may bring a different guest on a different day and must be present to supervise guest. Any vehicle blocking the Club’s gates or roadway will be towed away. All vehicles must be parked inside the Club’s gates at the Club’s parking areas. All Club members must openly display their membership card either on a neck lanyard or otherwise externally attached on display. There will be no hunting on club property. Any member violating these rules will be subject to dismissal process. (ref Article XIII)
BYLAWS of Greene Rod Gun Club revised 1-21-2021
III-A Except for shareholder members who are lifetime members, in addition to the one time initiation fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) each Shareholder Member shall be required to pay annual dues herein provided. If shareholder is delinquent beyond March 28th, they lose all status and benefits as a shareholder.
III-C Annual membership runs from January 1 to December 31, of each year. Renewal for upcoming year will not be accepted before the September annual meeting. The gate combination will be changed on January 1st each year.
Bylaws of Greene Rod and Gun Club, 1-16-2020 1-16-2020 Further changes to the Lifetime Membership process.
A limited supply of paper copies are available in the clubhouse for those without internet access or for temporary usage during a meeting
It is our intent to reference Roberts Rules of Order as a guidelines for operation of our meetings. In the event there is a conflict between Robert’s rules of order with the club by-laws, the group must follow the by-laws.
Here is a helpful link to the introduction to Roberts Rules of Order:
BYLAWS of Greene Rod Gun Club revised 8-15-2019 8-25-2019 Changes to the Lifetime membership process.
The following copy of the bylaws will remain in effect until January 1, 2017. By-Laws.
Article IIIc of the bylaws has been updated to strike the confusing and often misunderstood terms for pro-rated membership for new members. Starting Jan 2017, the membership dues will be $30 regardless if renewing or joining and regardless of what time of the year the application is submitted. We will continue to allow a generous grace period of Jan 1 thru Mar 31 to allow existing members to renew before the gate combination is changed on April 1st. The bylaws remain unchanged with respect to accepting renewals for the coming year after the September annual meeting.
BYLAWS of Greene Rod & Gun Club, revised 8-16-2012 (highlight meeting)
BYLAWS Greene Rod & Gun Club, 10-18-2007
March 21, 1974 Constitution and By-laws of Greene Rod and Gun Club, Inc. Original Typed copy.
1974 unfinished draft with hand-written notes, Constitution and By-Laws of Greene Rod and Gun Club.